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See what your users want – with Clarity.
Replay user sessions and explore heatmaps to make your website work better for your customers and your business, for free.
Session playbacks
Where the action is
Detailed heat maps show you where users clicked and scrolled, and how they moved around the site. Discover which parts of a page drive the most engagement.
Watch and learn
With individual session recordings, you can examine user behavior as it happened. You’ll see where things are working smoothly and where people get stuck.


Zero in on what matters
Find interesting user sessions and root out problems like clicks that go nowhere, rage clicks, and excessive scrolling. Make data-driven decisions to streamline your design.n.
Built to grow with your business
Clarity can scale to support even the largest websites. We process more than 1 petabyte of data from over 100 million users per month. And Clarity won’t get in the way of your site’s performance.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Clarity?

Clarity is a user behavior analytics tool that helps you understand how users are interacting with your website through features such as session replays and heatmaps.

What is the pricing model for Clarity?
Clarity is a free service.
Is Clarity GDPR compliant?

We are GDPR compliant as a data controller. For more information, see Microsoft Privacy Statement.

Get Clarity
Stop guessing how to improve your site
and get Clarity. Set up is easy. You’ll start
getting insights in minutes.